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Round 47

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Round 47


Difficulty: easy.
Bubbles: fire, standard.
Clear fruit: none.


Jump up and to the right three times and take out the Hidegon and two Banebous as they fall past you on the left. Jump to the top of the level and wait for a fire bubble to float up the middle of the screen. When you have a fire bubble available with another bubble below it to land on, jump through the fire bubble and then bounce on the bubble below back to the top of the screen, jumping off on the right-hand side. The fire will take out the Hidegon at the bottom of the level, while the remaining three baddies will all jump up to meet you, at which point they can be trapped and burst.

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This article is copyright © Adam Dawes, 2006.
It may not be copied or redistributed without my express written permission.